The Secret History of the United States


Conras trained by CIA in Arkansas with Clinton's knowledge
Compromised - Terry Reed

more on contras1986

for more information on Arkansas,contras, and cocaine try Alexander Cockburn's article in The Nation on the net at DiNardo Conspiracy

[Bandar]...he had worked with CIA director William J. Casey to set up the assasination of a suspected Middle East terrorist leader in Beirut with a car bomb which instead killed at least 80 bystanders.
The Commanders - Bob Woodward p.213

The U.S. government knew that Noriega was involved in drug trafficking since at least 1972, when the Nixon administration considered assassinating him. But he stayed on the CIA payroll. In 1983, a U.S. Senate committee concluded that Panama was a major center for the laundering of drug funds and drug trafficking.

The U.S. government continued to value Noriega's services. In May 1986, the Director of the Drug Enforcement Agency praised Noriega for his "vigorous anti-drug trafficking policy." A year later, the Director "welcomed our close association" with Noriega, while Attorney General Edwin Meese stopped a U.S. Justice Department investigation of Noriega's criminal activities. In August 1987, a Senate resolution condemning Noriega was opposed by Elliot Abrams, the State Department official in charge of U.S. policy in Central America and Panama.

And yet, when Noriega was finally indicted in Miami in 1985, all the charges except one were related to activities that took place before 1984 - back when he was our boy, helping with the U.S. war against Nicaragua...
p.51 What Uncle Sam Really Wants - Noam Chomsky

more on drugs1986

Black Eagle was run out of Bush's office by CIA agent Donald Gregg, a long-time Bush friend from his own days as head of the CIA. Gregg and other operatives negotiated an arrangement with Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, whereby Panamanian airfields and front companies would be made available to Black Eagle operatives in exchange for Panamanian use of Black Eagle cargo planes. In fact, the planes were used to smuggle cocaine and marijuana into the United States at the behest of Columbia's Medellin cartel.
Elite Deviance - David R. Simon & D. Stanley Eitzen p.317

[Louis] Farrakan claims that on the night of September 17, 1985 he was on a hilltop near some ancient ruins in the Mexican town of Tepotzlan. A UFO appeared at the nearby mountain; three landing legs appeared from the bottom of the UFO, but the object did not land. Instead the "wheel" beckoned to him with a burst of intense light. He was voluntarily carried into the wheel by the light. The "wheel" then carried him to a "mother wheel" high above the earth. The Mother Wheel's dimensions are given as a half-mile by a half-mile. Farrakan says that the Mother Wheel was built by humans and it was frequently talked about by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for over 60 years.
p.38 People of the Web - Gregory F. Little

more on UFOs1989

secret history 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

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